Fun for Young Carers
Young Carers are a remarkable group of young people, often under the radar of
society, who provide care and support for their parents and/or siblings when long
term illness or disability impact on a family. Aged from just 5 years old to 18 years,
they help in the home, go to the shops and provide selfless care for their family.
Support for the Young Carers is delivered locally by Barnardo’s. They have some
200 children on their books at any one time and receive 60 new referrals every
quarter. This, however is just the tip of the iceberg. Many young carers go un
recognised and as a consequence, they miss out on the invaluable support offered
by Barnardo’s.
Unfortunately, there is no budget available for leisure activities. Such events are
critical to Young Carers developing friendships and networks with children like
themselves. When funds are available, Barnardo’s are able to organise events such
as a trip to a pantomime or other theatre as well as outdoor activities.
Over the Christmas period Cliff Jones, the Master of Preston Guild Lodge No 4408,
visited Barnardo’s and met with Service Manager, Jenny, and Team Manager Hayley
to gain a better understanding of their work. At the same time Cliff handed over a
cheque for £400 which is specifically earmarked for leisure activities.
Whilst in the building Cliff was introduced to a Young Carer from Preston called
Harry. Harry cares for his younger sister while his parents focus on two sisters with
special needs. He was a wonderful ambassador for the Young Carers. A very
intelligent young man with a dedication to his family whilst still having an eye to his
own future development. He certainly appreciated the support Jenny and Hayley
offered. He spoke warmly about his Young Carer friends and the networks they have
created. He looked forward to social events. During the discussion, he learned about
a photography group within the Young Carers and immediately signed up for that.
Cliff came away humbled by what he had learned. The lodge hopes the Young
Carers enjoy events created as a result of their and others donations. This is a very
worthwhile cause to support. Most of all the lodge hopes they can have some fun.