UCLan Freshers September 2022
There were a total of 1,000 slices of pizza, 800 ring doughnuts and 250 chocolate and cream topped Belgian waffles, all given away free to a young, hungry, enthusiastic and appreciative clientele.

A definite recipe for success, if not one for a healthy waistline. But yes, this could only be at a University Freshers` Fair! In this instance, it was in Preston.
The University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) was the busy, inquisitive and atmospheric venue; with Preston Guild Lodge No 4408, the newest lodge in the Province of West Lancashire, working within the Universities Scheme, present for the first time.
Surrounded by an eye-catching West Lancashire display board, Preston Guild Lodge Membership Officer Dave Parker, was joined by Angela Seed, Provincial Grand Master of The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons, representing Freemasonry for Women. Together, they answered questions, distributed information and gave away the obligatory student freebies. They were supported by the Provincial Universities Scheme Officer John Stanley and the trio had a busy few hours.
It was an extremely lively Freshers’ Fair, with many societies and organisations trying to tempt both freshers and established students at UCLAN, to join everything from the military to the religious, with political parties, sports teams and musical groups thrown in. Consequently, the Freemasons had some very positive enquiries that day, and good feedback.
It was an excellent debut for both Preston Guild Lodge and the Women’s Freemasons, working side by side at UCLAN; suggesting a great introduction to the Universities Scheme in Preston. A good event to attend, and which will undoubtedly be repeated again in 2023 – as well as enjoying the occasional doughnut!

Pictured left: The West Lancashire display board. Pictured right: Angela and David talking to interested people coming to the Freemasons stall.