100 Years and Counting
On the 20 th June 1922, Preston Guild Lodge No 4408 was Consecrated at the Bull
Hotel Assembly Rooms in Preston. Presiding over that ceremony was the Right
Worshipful Provincial Grand Master (Designate) John Burell. This Master at
Consecration was Will Ord who at the time was a Past Grand Deacon of UGLE and
a recently appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
The Official Centenary Celebration will be held with a Full Provincial Team on the 3 rd
October 2022. However, the Lodge could not let the Exact Anniversary pass without
some recognition and celebration. So, a special lodge meeting was held in Preston
Masonic Hall on the 20 th June 2022.
What a night it was!
First up was a very warm welcome to Peter Lockett, who is the Assistant Provincial
Grand Master covering the Preston Group, as an Honorary Member. This gives
Peter a home in Preston to come and simply enjoy masonry when off duty. It also
mirrors 1922 with a APGM in the Lodge numbers.
The next item of business was a true celebration of the Centenary with the Initiation
of Callum Conway. Callum is a serving Combat Medical Technician in the British
Army. He should have been joined a few months ago but a short tour of duty
prevented that. But what a date to enjoy your admission into Freemasonry with
Preston Guild Lodge. At 24 years of age, Callum is doing a great job of bringing the
average age of the lodge down!
Callum’s interest in Freemasonry was sparked when talking with a colleague who
was a Mason when on a tour of duty in Kenya. He was then able to follow the
Pathway links to reach out to the Provincial Membership Team and be allocated to a
Group and then onto Preston Guild Lodge.
With the Worshipful Master being on holiday, a superb team effort led by Immediate
Past Master, Tim Horton, put on a great show for Callum as well as many visitors to
the lodge. The Provincial Membership Officer, Neil Ward, was on hand and had the
pleasure of presenting Callum with a copy of the Antient Chage. There were visitors
from 10 other lodges present to enjoy an evening of Recess Busting Masonry!
The Festive Board was a real celebration.
Preston Guild Lodge is Preston’s Hall Stone Lodge, and it was a particular delight to
have members of Blackpool Temperance Lodge, a fellow Hall Stone Lodge, joining
in the fun.
Peter Lockett expressed his delight at becoming an Honorary Member of such a
unique lodge in Preston and remarked on the fascinating history of the lodge. He
was looking forward to enjoying nights off duty where he could sit back and simply
enjoy being a Mason.
Callum continued his confident introduction into Freemasonry with an excellent
maiden response to the toast to his health. He graciously thanked all who had
smoothed his passage into Freemsonry from that initial conversation in Kenya.
Callum also appreciated all of the hard work in making his ceremony such a pleasant
With so many visitors, Alistair McIntyre, who was Acting Junior Warden, reminded
those present of the ancient tradition of Operative Masons visiting in times past. It
was such an honour to have so many visitors on this special night.
*Header Image – W.Bro Neil Ward, Provincial Membership Officer; Right W Peter Lockett APGM, Tim Horton WM, Bro Callum Conway, W Bro. David Parker, Lodge Membership Officer and Bro. Allistair McIntyre JW